
Exhibition Opening

Join us on May 23 for the final exhibition of Niamh Schmidtke’s EARTH Residency at TU Berlin’s uni_versum.

Artist Marco Barotti

Exhibition Opening with Artist in Residence Marco Barotti

Science Gallery Berlin at TU Berlin in collaboration with BIFOLD are delighted to present ‘CORALS’ a kinetic sound sculpture by Artist in Residence Marco Barotti.

Talk: Earth - Pulling Blood from a Stone

On 11 May at TU Berlin, artist-in-residence Niamh Schmidtke was in conversation with their collaborator, Dr Johannes Giebel, and curator Ariane Koek, to discuss their artistic research process engaging with science.

Workshop: Pulling Blood from a Stone

Join Dr Johannes Giebel, the ‘keeper of the minerals’, and artist-in-residence Niamh Schmidtke for a workshop to explore the relationship between humans and minerals, and develop your creative response. At TU Berlin on 17-19 April and 24-25 April.


Machined Music

Our Roundtable discussion and multi-media performance at Berlin Science Week drew an enthusiastic and appreciative crowd!


Dr. Claudia Schnugg and Marco Barotti launch the Kunst der Verschränkung artist-in-residence program with a discussion on Marco’s planned kinetic sound sculpture CORALS.

Berlin Science Week

Science Gallery Berlin in collaboration with the Hybrid-Plattform will present “Machined Music” a deep-dive panel discussion into AI with a live multi-media performance at Berlin Science Week.

“Earth” Residency Talk

Kick Off Talk about the "Earth" Residency with Niamh Schmidtke, Johannes Giebel and Ariane Koek (curator of the artist-in-residence programme "Earth Water Sky").